Apple AirPods Max Black

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alt tekst Popis The Apple AirPods Max Black is an Over ear headphone in the colour black. Its noise cancelling function ensures you won’t hear any background noises, allowing you to focus completely on your music. The headphones also have a wireless application, thanks to its fast connection to Bluetooth! These headphones have a battery life of 20 hours, so you’ll be able to listen to music or podcasts for hours on end. Brand Apple has made sure the headphones are compatible with the following connection types: 1. This makes it easy to connect the headset to any other device.

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The Apple AirPods Max Black is an Over ear headphone in the colour black. Its noise cancelling function ensures you won’t hear any background noises, allowing you to focus completely on your music. The headphones also have a wireless application, thanks to its fast connection to Bluetooth! These headphones have a battery life of 20 hours, so you’ll be able to listen to music or podcasts for hours on end. Brand Apple has made sure the headphones are compatible with the following connection types: 1. This makes it easy to connect the headset to any other device.

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Značka Apple
  • 0194252244968
  • Black

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